How High Achievers Leverage Mental Strength

We all have differing circumstances in our lives, that is what makes our life unique. One common element of our human experience is that we will all face challenges and failures at some point in our lives.  They can occur at any time and even while we are chasing our most daring goals. How we respond to these challenges that occur determine our level of success when the going gets tough. In other words, our mental strength comes into play. When we are mentally strong, we are better prepared to deal with anything that comes our way. In my work and interviews with high achieving professionals over the last five years there are several traits which help them consistently reach their goals. The most common in those with higher mental strength are included here. Along with what you could do to build your mental fortitude.

They Acknowledge that Failure is a part of Success

Mentally stronger people do not fear failure. In fact, they view is as a normal part of their journey towards their goals. They understand that it allows them to learn what works and more importantly what does not. This helps them to take responsibility for their actions. They use failure as an opportunity to improve and develop to move forward. This works in their favor as they save time and energy.

They Make Peace with the Past

High achievers do not let the past hold them back.  We all have situations, traumas or failures in our past to deal with, but if we focus too much on the past, the present will pass us by. They seek help if they feel like they are not able to move forward from some issues peacefully.

They Embrace Change

Change can be scary to deal with at times. To some degree, the uncertainty that it brings makes us all uncomfortable. However, they find value in embracing the opportunities that come with change. They embrace the changes that come and flow with the tide. They understand that change brings obstacles but they shift their mindset to what the opportunity brings or what is this trying to teach me.

They Focus on Things Within Their Control

Worry tends to come along when we cannot control our situations or environment. High achievers have learned these wastes valuable energy. This energy can be directed towards something they can change or influence. It saves time and can prevent unnecessary stress.

They Practice Gratitude

Being thankful for your blessings can help you when you are facing challenging times. While many talk about the importance of gratitude, they still focus on what they lack or what is missing from their lives. Mentally strong people know this and use gratitude to help fuel their motivation. They make a habit of it.

They are More likely to Accept Challenges

Those with higher mental strength face challenges head on. They capitalize on the creativity that is fueled by these challenges. While some get intimidated by difficult scenarios they understand that breakthroughs are on the other side of these.

Most importantly They Stay True to their Values

Mentally strong high achievers have core values and principles. They do not just say they have values; they match these values to their goals. The actions that they take to achieve their goals also line up with these values. They achieve a certain level of confidence and ease with this.

How can you build mental strength to achieve more?

Start with Defining your Core Values.

If you want to build greater mental strength, you can start by defining your core values. More than that, you must have the fortitude to make sure your goals and the corresponding actions to achieve those goals align with the values you identify.

Reflect on your Past

When is the last time you suffered some sort of failure or made a costly mistake? It might be painful to re-examine, but it is important. Look at them as your teachers. What lessons can you learn from them that will help you to not repeat the same missteps.

Incorporate Gratitude into your day.

You can try gratitude journaling. Each day list the things you are most grateful for. While you are at it list those round you who are grateful for. Start with just one thing if you must. The important thing is to begin and keep the momentum. You will be programing your mind to be more present as well as optimistic.

If you want to read more about mental strength here are a few commissionable resources, you can try:

Unbeatable Mind: Forge Resiliency and Mental Toughness

The Mental Toughness Handbook

Special Operations Mental Toughness

13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do

13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don’t Do